Thursday, September 21, 2006

Skydiving again

So, this Saturday I'm going skydiving for a second time. This, in the big picture of things, is NOT a big deal. But when i reduce my world to just me... it is. Here's why i loved skydiving for the first time: It was the only time in my life that I actually accepted death. Like REALLY accepted it. And you know, i didnt freak out, I was completely ok with it. I had truly accepted it.

What's interesting about it, is that once you've felt death and dealt with it, you pretty much become fearless about alot of other crap that's been holding you back. Suddenly "what that girl might think" doesnt matter for shit anymore, or "I might get fired" is not that big of a deal.

Now, I'm not saying I've become careless.. quiet the opposite. It's made me more focused. You've suddenly re-prioritized alot of things and keep what's really important in mind. I know what I want and I go for it fearlessly and without remorse or hesitation. (I actually find it extremely annoying when people hesitate nowadays.)

It's a very empowering feeling to know not much can derail you.

Of course, not everyone has this experience. Some jump, scream at the rush and go home. I could've dulled my senses, but when i'm doing something for the first time, i really like opening up to the experience - to understand it fully - then pull lessons learned.

Anyway, I recommend it. Check out my last year's jump.

Update: Now that I finished the dive: the second time was even better than the first. No "facing mortality" or "realigning my life" just plain fun. Now i REALLY recommend it. Photos here