Wednesday, October 01, 2008

My Letter to my Senate Leaders re: Bailout

Dear [Senator],

I urge you as a fellow Republican to NOT consider ANY form of bailout. Passing this bill will break every principle we Americans stand for.

If we reward failure and prevent the free market to self reform we will stave off economic hardship for only a few short months. Sadly, within six months, we'll find ourselves in the same position we are in now.

I have heard the argument framed as "Without the bailout we will suffer greatly" with the implication that we will dodge it completely by passing it. This is false logic. If we pass the bailout we are merely staving off the inevitable and will make the "disaster" far worse and last far longer. (Let's remember what we learned from the Great Depression)

The real issue is our financial system and our dependence on credit.

It will fail. Austrian Economics tells us it will. The question you must ask yourself is, do you really want to nationalize our financial system trying to save it?

It is with horror that I watch republicans and democrats seize this crisis as an opportunity to further socialize America. I am completely dissapointed with congressional and senate leadership's ability to be stewards of my freedom and liberty.

I urge you to vote no on any bill containing any form of bailout. Have faith in the free markets and please work to remove the existing regulation that hinders the opportunity to succeed and innovate.

I understand you're under pressure to "Do something" but perhaps "doing something" means reminding your colleagues that the government DOES NOT run or control the US economy. It's the people. Let the free markets work. Let the free markets work. Let the free markets work.

As a constituent I will be watching your vote on this. As I have told my congressman, an "Aye" vote on ANY form of Bailout is a deal breaker and will force me to ensure no re-election is awarded.

I ask that you show political fortitude on this measure and fight to preserve our core American values.

Thank you,
Benito Segovia

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birthday Benito 2008

So, Noelle is REALLY into doing birthdays. So much so that I can consistently count on her to totally theme out my birthday every year. This year was pirates.

When I came down this morning, I was greeted with our dining room table covered in pirate decorations. She hand-cut the cardboard stencils for the pirate "sails" and covered the surface of the table with birthday booty!

My favorite gift had to have been the "Sweaty Man Beast - Grease Eliminating Wipes" She took some basic rice paper facial wipes (they supposedly remove oils from the face) and created new packaging in photoshop! She scaned a bunch of animes and created an amazing little cover for the girly facial wipes!

I'm totally amazed, she has really made my birthday feel super special.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Help us fight for the cause of liberty...

So, after working our butts off at the Texas State convention we convinced the establishment to send three, freedom-minded Republicans to the National convention in November! This means we will team up with others fighting for this cause across the country to help shape and mold the Republican Party back toward sanity. (You know what I'm talking about)

Below is a chipin I started. The National Convention is a 5 day event and is very costly. When we combine lodging, fees and transportation it comes out to around $2,000 - $2500 each! Obviously, this is a difficult goal to achieve alone so your support is MUCH appreciated!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Profiling Affects Everyone

I love Desha. She's always trying to get me to collaborate with her on all these design contests and what not and every single time I totally flake out. This time, however, she and Peyton talked me into getting involved. Gettyimages, one of the most robust (and expensive) stock media sites out there was holding The Make it Happen contest. Simply find and use images from Getty's library to create an ad that could "change the world."

After coming up with fun ideas to get people to realize why big government isnt a good thing, we totally deviated course and came up with a campaign idea entitled "Profiling Affects Everyone."

The Christian

Below are the entries. Noelle came up with the concept for this one. God damn I love my baby!
Peyton, Noelle, Desha and I worked on the copy and Desha and I did the Photoshop work.

The Ninjaslim

Desha and Peyton worked on this concept (which i love) and Desha did the Photoshop work.

Check out the work on the getty site: (search "profiling" to find our work)

Go and vote for us! If we win we get to go to France for the Canns Ad Festival! Fun!