Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birthday Benito 2008

So, Noelle is REALLY into doing birthdays. So much so that I can consistently count on her to totally theme out my birthday every year. This year was pirates.

When I came down this morning, I was greeted with our dining room table covered in pirate decorations. She hand-cut the cardboard stencils for the pirate "sails" and covered the surface of the table with birthday booty!

My favorite gift had to have been the "Sweaty Man Beast - Grease Eliminating Wipes" She took some basic rice paper facial wipes (they supposedly remove oils from the face) and created new packaging in photoshop! She scaned a bunch of animes and created an amazing little cover for the girly facial wipes!

I'm totally amazed, she has really made my birthday feel super special.
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